Friday, 26 June 2015

Basics of Circuit Theory

What is Elecrical Network?
Any arrangment of the various electrical energy sources (voltage sources, current sources, batteries) with the dfferent circuit elements (resistors, inductors, capacitors,swicthes).

Network Element
Resister,Inductor, Capacitor and Energy sources such as voltage and current sources , having two ends for further connection known as ckt elements.

If two or more circuit elements are joint at any point , the connection point is known as node.

If three or more circuit elements are joint at any point,the connection point is known junction.

Cuircuit & Network
Any combination of various circuit elements to perform any useful function is known as network .

Mesh & Loop
Any closed path formed by various circuit elements in a given circuit is known as a loop.

Active  Network
The circuit elements which produce electrical energy but not consume any energy known as active element and Network in which both type of cicuit elements are known as active network.
e.g. voltage source and current source.

Passive Network
The circuit elements which consume electrical energy but not produce any energy known as passive element and Network in which both type of cicuit elements are known as passive network.
e.g. R,L,C 

Linear Network
Circuit elements having voltage and current relationship are given by constant coefficient equation known as linear element and Network in which these cicuit elements are connected known as linear network

Non-Linear Network
Circuit elements having voltage and current relationship are not given by constant coefficient equation known as non-linear element and Network in which these cicuit elements are connected known as non-linear network.

Lumped Network
The network where the circuit elements are physically separable is known as lumped network
e.g. Any practical network

Distributed Network
The network where the circuit elements are not physically separable is known as Distributed network.
e.g. Transmission line, telephone line etc.

Unilateral Network 
An element whose operational behaviour is dependent on the direction of flow of current through is known as unilateral elements. Elements like semiconductor diode, which allow the current to pass through them only in one direction. and network in which these elements are connected known as Unilateral Network

Bilateral Network
An element whose behaviour is same irrespective of the direction of flow of current through it is known as bilateral element. Passive elements that allow the current to pass through them in both directions are known as bilateral elements and the network in which these elements are connected known as Bilateral Network